Sheet Metal Macros


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Sheet Metal Macros

No - I did not know this site.
It is VERY interesting. I will check it out.

I filled out their form for ‘instant’ access to the macros. I have seen nothing. Just sayin

The author of this website is in the forum. I can write my own copy of his functions.

I tried to fill in the information, but he didn’t contact me. It seems that he didn’t have the intention to buy and didn’t give me a trial.

If it is possible to do what I want all I want is an example of a macro showing me the concept. I will take it from there. The example doesn’t need to be very long. Just enough to see the concepts.

I sent an email to Sheet Metal Macros. I will see how they respond.

Sheet Metal Macros’ response is they cannot help me.
Are you able to tell me if what I want to do is possible?

Se ti può aiutare … è una piccola macro che sviluppa la lamiera e crea in automatico il file DXF
Ciao ciao

Sviluppo.mac (1.8 KB)

thank you! I will study it.

The imported STL points cannot be used to create curves in sequence with macros, if it is external point data.