Moving notes on drawing views

Hello all,

Another very frustrating issue I have using ZW3D 2024 is one of notes that keep moving from the position they were originally placed. These notes are typically just indicating the depth of a face relative to the XY plane. I will place a note that reads .005" (just a note, no leader line with arrow) within a view, I take great care placing these notes only to find that they keep moving from where I originally placed them, so I put them back only to find it happen again. It is beyond annoying! I have used the associate command to fix the note to its view so that should I move the view the note moves with it. This makes no difference. I have left the notes un-associated, no difference. I have deleted the notes & created all new ones & still this issue arises. It is driving me insane. It has gotten to the point where I just leave them where they are, once they move & only move them back to where they should be when I am finished with the drawing but invariably, I will have to return to this drawing at some point to make customer led modifications & I guarantee that regenerating the drawing will cause all these notes to move position again. Any thoughts anuone?


Hi John, feeling your pain.
Drawing stability has been an issue for a long time. Definitely better than it used to be.
One approach is to put certain types of details in their own layer.
This isn’t a cure but allows you to work on the drawings with out having the self managing items visible.
You can set up multiple layers in you drawing template, then mod your styles so they use correct layers rather than the current layer.
You might need to read about it in Help

Cheers - Paul

Thanks Paul, I will give that a go when I find some time. Another really annoying issue I have, is with all the dimensions in this particular view I have failing every time the drawing is regenerated. If I simply open my model to look at it, make no changes, then open up the drawing associated with that model it forces me to update the drawing which then causes most, if not all the dimensions to fail. I then have to recreate them all. The frustrating thing is, I discovered recently what is causing this but don’t see a work around. This particular view in question is cropped. It is the cropping causing the problem. If I leave the view as is (uncropped), I can open the model, replay it, make changes, etc. and the drawing view updates with no issues. Now unfortunately, this view needs to be cropped as I only need to show one particular corner of it, and that is when I run into all these problems. I am literally losing hours a week in productivity because of all the issues I have. I worked with Creo (Pro-Engineer) for 30 years & never had the problems I have working with this software. It is such a shame because I enjoy the modelling side, it has some really neat stuff, but I dread working in the drafting side.

Best regards

Hi John, do you mean Detail view when you say cropped?
Cheers - Paul

No, it is a Full Section View that I crop to only show what is required in that view.


Perhaps you should use Detail View instead. The view being details does NOT have to be on the sheet, it can be off to the side.
Cheers - Paul

Yes, I have considered doing that. I will give it a try for sure.
