Missing Surface

Hello all,

I am hoping someone can explain why this is happening. I have a simple round bottle shape that I divided into 2 halves. I then erased one half & continued to work on the remaining half adding some projected curves & other features. All good, got the model finished. I have replayed the model a dozen times with no issues. This morning, I had to make the most minor of alterations to this model, change the diameter of cylindrical body .001" & the model falls apart. The erased half (shape) had the label SF1, it still does, but for some reason ZW is telling me SF1 is missing & I have to re-select it. Then, from this point on, every curve I had projected onto the curved shoulder fails because the surface they are projected to has had its name changed. They were on face F2062 but now that face has the label F2061. This is again beyond frustrating & annoying, that such a minor change would cause such carnage & time-consuming re-work. Nothing about that shape really changed. Any thoughts?



Possibly ZW internal rounding errors. Try changing the Tolerance


Also try changing your value 0.100" then back 0.099"