Lost equation curve examples

I named and saved an equation curve. Prior to saving the curve there was a list of example equation curves in the field. Now there is only my saved curve. How do I recover the example curves?


Can you send the file?

I was working in a new file. The only thing I was doing was experimenting with the equation curve. When I saved the equation all the examples disappeared. I saw nothing except my named and saved equation. I then erased my named equation thinking the examples would reappear. The examples did not reappear. I have closed and opened the file, and closed and opened ZW3D in an attempt to reset and gain the examples again. Again, no joy. I don’t have a file to send. As of now, when I open any file in ZW3D I do not have the equation curve examples.
I am working with ZW3D 2015.

Hi Stuart,

I’m working with ZW3D 2024.

There is a file named _EqCur.lst. You can open it with notepad. The file is in the ZW3D 20XX\supp folder.

However when you add an equation to the list the file _EqCur.lst is in %appdata%\ZWSOFT\ZW3D\custom\supp folder.


I hope this will help you.

Have a nice day further.

Best regards.
