Crear i gestionar Macros

Hola a tothom,
tinc la necessitat de fer macros d’accions repetitives, per exemple exportar un dwg, dxf, pdf, i step dels fitxers oberts.
o be encapsular i fixar els subcomponents d’un conjunt.

Teniu experiència i documentació.

Gràcies i salutacions

Hi Serveis,
Macro recording is new to ZW3D V2021 which has just had its public Beta release today.
So no experience with that yet.
You can download the Beta and try for yourself and report back…
It is on this page…

Hola, Cowboy99.
Si que vaig poder fer macros i fins hi tot crear icones i menus inserits en la 2018, i 2019.
Però la documentació al respecte és complexa i falten tutorials.

Desitjo que la solució de la 2021 sigui més amigable, i ZWSOFT aposti per millorar la potència de la personalització de les funcions.

En els meus primers anys vaig aprendre amb un sistema anomenat DUCT de la casa DELCAM, el qual es basava en la personalització total de la interfície. No he trobat un programa millor en aquest aspecte que DUCT.
Poder generar lliurement comandos personalitzats important i exportant dades, interaccionar amb accions introduïdes per l’usuari, o vinculades a taules, dota al usuari de eines sense limitacions.
Tota aquesta manera de fer, pot generar una comunitat molt potent i augmenta el nivell de coneixements i fidelitat del producte.

Rebeu un cordial salut

Hola Serveis,
I am curious how you made macros in 2018 etc.
I am not a code person so my skills in this area are non existent but I see the possibility for user customization in some places. most users will use what they have and never think they need or could do anything different.
If you could upload a zip of a macro you have made and some info as to how you install it I think we are very interested.

there is a document with a lot of information but no tutorial. Is called Macro.doc but this forum not allow to attach .doc. This doc contains 41 pages.
For the 2019 the path is C:\Program Files\ZWSOFT\ZW3D 2019 (x64)\languages\es_ES\text
For the 2020 is C:\Program Files\ZWSOFT\ZW3D 2020\languages\es_ES\text
Moroeover in youtube there are some tutorials from XLSMART:

With all of this an pacience you can make macros, learning from your own.

I hope that in the 2021 version it will be easier and more robust

Hi cowboy, for the 2018 version I can’t assure you the path because I don’t have it installed anymore

good luck


I will have to look at that too someday, but I never had good grades in Spanish ^^…
Would it be how “XCAP BLOCS BÉTON” have been made? I have heard it started as a ZW3D custom made module before becoming a standalone application.

Same as Paul, I am not a programmer in nature, but I might be interested by the ability to develop custom needs tools.


Exactly, good example Nicolas.
I am thinking in a macro that publishes any file ZW3D to PDF and STEP, and DWG, from list or from any opend file.

An example of a repetitive task


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HI serveisrpf:

This is a quick export of shapes into step。

Save path:D:\ZW3D


Author - zh

Date - Sun Oct 31 19:32:46 2021

Version - 26.31

Description -

MACRO main



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