[BUG] Chord height tesselation tol is ignored for .obj output

It’s as simple as the subject describes. Works for .stl, but not for .obj.

Why would one need .obj instead of .stl ?
Stl files do not contain custom vertex normals, but .obj files should. Custom vertex normals help avoiding shading artifacts when CAD models are rendered in external render engines.

HI PeterD:
They use a different work environment, STL&obj is generally used by design, manufacturing and production usually STEP/igs/X_T, these formats.

@zw3d_liangfen I never saw your reply. I understand what you are saying and I am well aware of the use of different formats.

The chord height tesselation tolerance is a setting specific to the .obj file export, so I am not exactly sure why you mention STEP and other file formats, where such a setting would be utterly useless ?