Assembly Pattern unStable? v2024

Hi Guys,
I am doing some design using Assembly Pattern Arrays - simple 2 directions in a rectangle.
There are issues - I do not know if is ZW or me.
Curious what others have found?

  1. Array is not stable - adding contraints and the patterns re arranges in unreconisable pattern. Then returns when regen 1x or 2x

  2. Constraint to array element is not stable. (Don’t do it) Any array element is movable and seems discrete from the array if you move it OR the constraint moves it.

  3. Blanking the Pattern in history is not possible, you can only Suppress which has a cascading damage effect so it becomes difficult to know if its blown up or just awaiting the suppression. e.g. Constrains go bad.

  4. Constraint Status inquiry does not always report Patterns correctly. Sometime elements are in scope, other times not!

Cant say I am happy about the poor performance of what is a very basis assembly requirement. So is it me?
Cheers - Paul