Allegare video di grandi dimensioni

Ciao a tutti ,
come fate ad allegare video di grandi dimensioni …
mi dice che al massimo il forum supporta 4 Mb
Ciao ciao

You only need to upload your video no matter how long it is on Youtube and share it’s link here with us.

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Non carico solitamente video su Youtube , non credo nemmeno che chi posta video sul forum
siano video caricacti da Youtube. Esiste un altro modo per caricare video/files che superino
i 4 Mb ??

I don’t know any other way to upload videos other and better than Youtube. Youtube is the best and eaziest way to get it done.

And I have another idea, I think we all have to write directelly in English because it’s better to be able to read and understand the questions and answers on this forum. Then to copy the message and go to Google translate, understand the meaning make it difficult to react on real time and sometimes you don’t want to do all these steps.
I am speacking 5 languages but Italian isn’t one of them, and I do prefete to write in english so that everyone worldwide could understand, react and so promove the forum and make it better.
We need more interaction.
Other cad/cam forum like for Solid Edge they have the main ad very good working and active for English and they have also another Website in the same forum in German. But the best place to get more answers is on the main english page of this forum.

The Forum is definitely international in contribution.
With Google translate, Copy and Paste, it is not hard to post in native language and English. This expands the number of people who will respond.
So lets see if we can encourage that.
Cheers - Paul

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