3D BOM in Excel

I have question above 3D BOM list, I can edit BOM list in excel. Is it possible prepare template for excel file with pre-defined conditional formatting and include macros?

I thing there is big space to do automation checking function and auto filling parameters. For example extract pozition number from name ect, find doplicid pozition numbers and so on…

Thanks for any advice




Macromanipulation tables are laborious,It involves algorithms.

I have try it but this template is for export not for editing….

Maybe you need to check it out, update the log file.

WhatsNew.pdf <<<<<<

Hi Petr,

You can not use your own Excel template.
What you can do is write macros in an Excel Workbook and the export it to an “.bas” file which you can import whenever you need it to format your BOM.
However you can not save it in the 3DBom.xlsx because it’s regenerated whenever you edit it in ZW3D.
Hope this answers your question.
Best regards,

OK, thank you.

I will try it.

Yes you can.
See the file “Default.Z3DBOMTT”, “ExportConfiguration.txt” and “zw3d.xlsx”.

This provides template settings for BOM, attribute preset values, Excel export format, etc. After setting, the related content will be generated by default using the defined template.

Or click on “Help” (see image) to learn more:


It is possible to use file with xlsm, excel with support of macros?